

The office is located at the bottom of a wide asphalt driveway that slopes significantly downward from the street.

There is an accessible side entrance right at ground level with no steps. The usual entrance around the back of the building is less accessible and involves both a narrow path and two small steps (4.5″) up into the office.

All doors are standard size and my office furniture is easy to move around as needed.

The bathroom has a pocket door entry and grab bars beside and behind the toilet. The corner sink is quite small but can be used from a seated position on the toilet. A standard wheelchair should have enough clearance to back in, but likely not enough to pivot full circle. I’ve done what I can with the small space that I have.


My office has a rough hewn cedar wall that leaves a lingering scent in the office. No fragrances are used as I keep a fragrance-free home and office. Please be aware that our tenants use fragranced dryer sheets and the vent outlet is near an office window – if they are doing laundry, it wafts in through open windows. So, if you have MCS or similar concerns and we are meeting in person, please let me know and I will ensure this doesn’t happen during your session.

4300 Cedar Hill Road
Victoria, BC V8N3C5

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